Case Study

Application Modernization Helps Global Logistics Company Achieve Aggressive Growth Goals


Outdated Tech Stack in Need of Modernization

A global shipping and logistics organization had acquired a line of business that manages delivery of millions of packages annually, however, it came with an inefficient and outdated technology stack. Operational processes that should have been simple were needlessly difficult and time-consuming for business customers. Additionally, this unit doubled their billion-dollar revenue in less than three years, overwhelming their internal processes and business-facing software tools. A modernization effort was necessary to sustain the existing line of business and position our client for future business growth. Without a partner who could help them modernize their application quickly, they were unable to take advantage of operational efficiencies and introduce additional service offerings to the market.


Replatformed Application for Better Usability

We stepped in to replatform the application in .NET and Angular, allowing for easier introduction of new features, better security and improved data management. Previously, to make edits to records in the product’s database, the changes had to go through the development team.  As a result, billing edits took extended time to complete and customer service suffered. Our team built a rules-based billing edit module for business rules that allowed for editing of billing details while following the internal process approval flow. Therefore, customers would have a faster turnaround time and developers didn’t need to be engaged in the process.


Better Customer Service, More Efficiency and Higher Growth

We met our client’s tight timeline by rapidly accelerating this modernization effort and delivering it faster than our client’s internal teams could have. This was extremely valuable and helped our client meet their aggressive growth goals. The new product was more efficient and scalable and allowed our client to provide better customer service through improved traceability and more frequent status updates. This allowed the business user to focus on higher value tasks and freed up their developers to continue the modernization and new feature development.

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