Case Study

Streamlining Delivery: Modernizing In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS) for Global Logistics Provider


IVIS Needs Modernization and UX Updates

A large global logistics and package delivery company was one of the first implementers of a modern IVIS for their thousands of feeder drivers across the U.S. The system used a mobile handheld device with functionality that includes scheduling, messaging, on-duty and drive hour tracking, location tracking and activity monitoring. Originally developed several years ago, the system needed re-platforming and modernization to support future business initiatives such as internationalization and autonomous truck and trailer technology. It also needed to more efficiently support any regulatory compliance updates required by the federal government. Additionally, the system’s user experience (UX) simply wasn’t meeting our client’s expectations. An improved UX would reduce driver frustration, allowing them to spend less time in the application and more time on efficiently getting packages to customers.


More Intuitive UX and Flexible Architecture

To help support the long-term sustainability of the product and ensure its viability for the next 5-10 years, our team is providing better, more maintainable design patterns during the development effort and architecting with extensibility in mind. Now, when our client needs to add features and functionality in the future, they can do so quickly and without the need for a large support team. After an enlightening product discovery workshop, where our team spoke to a number of users and did ride alongs to learn additional pain points, our product strategy and design team proactively created a much more intuitive UX for the application, cutting down on the number of clicks it would take to complete many tasks. They also created training materials and a communication strategy for our client to use with their drivers. In order to meet federal legal requirements, this application’s architecture was built to the highest standard so audit records could be pulled according to regulatory standards.


Reduced Technical Debt, An Easier to Use Application

By modernizing the IVIS application, we’re helping our client reduce built-up technical debt, lower maintenance costs, execute product enhancements with higher velocity and add the ability to measure product service metrics and gauge overall success. Feedback on the initial testing phase has been incredibly positive from our client and their drivers, who appreciated the application’s modernized features, ease of use and its intuitive nature. This phase has also allowed for continuous feedback and discovery on other application features. The project is in the first year of a multi-year effort.

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