
Prototyping and Testing in the Cloud

When we talk about prototyping testing in the Cloud, it’s really easy to try things and fail fast so you don’t have to set up an elaborate environment and you don’t have to spend a ton of money. If you have an idea, you could you could test it out and have results almost immediately. People should be doing this because it’s easy to learn, prototype and understand how the services work together. Cloud services are like Legos and magic happens when you learn how to put them together to make something useful.  The only way you’re going to do that is to try it out and have an idea from conception.

Cost Savings

In the Cloud, you’re only paying for things that you’re using or consuming, so if you wanted to try something out it’s only going to take a few minutes or a couple hours. You’re probably paying pennies to a few bucks to test something out that is really hard to do in the traditional data center.

Ability to Iterate

You also have the ability to iterate, so if it didn’t work the first time, fix what’s wrong with it and then try it again until you get the results you desire or you decide to throw it out and try something entirely different.

Reduced Tech Debt

Cleaning up what you’ve used in the Cloud is important because you could accidentally incur tech debt, additional costs and add complexity for people coming behind you.

Mistakes are Learning Opportunities

Mistakes are learning opportunities; as good as we are, we don’t know everything about Cloud services so sometimes it you have to try it out. “I have an idea I’m going to try it out I’m going to learn as I go.” This type of innovation is really hard to do in the data center, so in the Cloud it does allow you to be nimble and quickly spin up resources and services and helps accelerate the learning and how these things work together.

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